Adult Guardianship is a legal court process wherein the court appoints a person to make decisions for an adult person who is no longer capable of making their own personal and/or financial decisions due to age, illness, incompetence, etc. The guardianship action continues until, if ever, the person is determined to be capable of managing their own personal / financial decisions, The guardian is required to file an annual report with the court for monitoring of the actions of the guardian. The execution of a Durable Power of Attorney prior to legal disability nominates a person of your choice to act as your guardian should a guardianship be required in lieu of having the court appoint a guardian who may or may not be of your choosing.
Guardianship for a Child is a legal court process wherein the court appoints a person to make decisions as to the person and estate of a minor. A guardianship is required when a grandparent is raising a grandchild or any other person is raising a child who is not their own. The guardianship gives custodial rights to the guardian and legal rights to the guardian for making decisions, obtaining health care treatment, health insurance, registering for school, and the like. The court continues to monitor the guardianship by reviewing annual reports filed by guardian, until the child attains the age of 18 years or graduates from high school. An Adult Guardianship is required for a special needs child that has reached the age of majority.
Tulsa Office
(918) 791-3150
9323 E 21st Street
Tulsa, OK 74129
Grove Office
(918) 791-3150
221 E 3rd Street
Grove, OK 74344
Mon-Thurs: 8:30am - 4:30pm After Hours Appointments Available