The Advanced Health Care Directive is a legal health care document with multiple provisions. The document has a Living Will provision, a section for the designation of a Health Care Proxy, an area which provides you with the option of being an anatomical donor, and an area for establishing more specific instructions. The document is for life-threatening illnesses and situations.
You have the right to choose whether or not you wish to receive life sustaining treatment and whether or not you wish to receive artificially administered food and water. As Oklahoma citizens, we have the legal right to make these choices under three (3) specific diagnostic categories: terminal illness, persistently unconscious, and end-stage conditions.
You have the right to choose who will be the person(s) speaking on your behalf to health care professionals if you are unable to do so yourself. These appointed persons are unable to change the choices you have made in the area of the Living Will.
You have the right to designate whether, after death, your body or organs are to be gifted for transplantation, medical and/or dental research. There is no right or wrong answer, as it is a very personal decision.
Most people believe they know what their choices will be until they pick up the pen to sign the document. Please be sure to take the time to discuss the options under Oklahoma Law and play the “what-if” game. This is one of the most important documents everybody should have on file. Do not fall prey to quickly-made decisions in an emergency situation upon admittance to a hospital. There are both legal and medical ramifications to your choices — be sure to understand them.
Without this document, Oklahoma Law is written such that our health care providers will be charged with homicide if care is not administered. Please protect yourself and your family by ensuring that this document is in place.
The Mental Health Care Directive is specifically for mental health care conditions. As we age, mental health may become an issue we never anticipated. Mental Health covers a broad range of conditions and this document gives you the right to specifically appoint a person(s) as your agent for mental health care specific issues.
Tulsa Office
(918) 791-3150
9323 E 21st Street
Tulsa, OK 74129
Grove Office
(918) 791-3150
221 E 3rd Street
Grove, OK 74344
Mon-Thurs: 8:30am - 4:30pm After Hours Appointments Available